Incinerator Love

Immanuel R. Knight
1 min readDec 4, 2016

I can’t put words to this…
Whatever I feel inside;
The ache of you,
That eternal ache…
I cannot remember today,
Why should I?

I love you…
I’m burning up;
There’s a fire between us
Something ethereal…
Something unreal…
Something perfect…

Your eyes can pierce anything,
May they pierce my heart?
May I pierce yours?
Shall we be forever?

By what mad fire I am consumed
The heated-hell of longing?
The heaven-bliss of yearning?
Oh the love, the love!

You are too perfect to imagine,
Yet I try!
Such is an inferno beyond me
Such are the depth of Hades
And the heights of your heaven beyond…
…the beyond

You are the feeling
You are the ache
You are the fire
I am your pyre
I am yours

Take me

Consume me in love!
Devour me by your fire!
Incinerate me!

Until I am…

No more
(Never was)
Just because



Immanuel R. Knight

Don’t let the dark times get you down. Wandering ways with words.