Moonlit Addict

Immanuel R. Knight
1 min readSep 29, 2016
Unsplash Creative Commons

I can feel it festering deep inside
The heat of spectral passion
A sick craving!
Your lips are warmer than eternity
Burning my own with midnight scathing

Leave me be
Oh poison of the night
I want more of you…
Come closer with your light

You’re breath in the fire
I’m wood for your pyre
Lead me, oh lavish one!
I’ll submit to you gladly
Writhing in the furnace of a thousand suns

Immolated by your luscious mist
Sinking ever deeper into my skin
As silver flames devour my heart
Consuming from within

Sustained by your will
Left squirming in pain of desire
Diseased only with love
Dancing to life on a moonlit spire

Gasping for a taste of air
Seduced by astral smoke
I’m lost in aching!
That dark star stare
On your love alone I wish to choke



Immanuel R. Knight

Don’t let the dark times get you down. Wandering ways with words.