One More Time

America Mara Manzano
1 min readJun 2, 2016

Here I am
Once again
Full of heartbreak,
Sweet heartbreak,
Cursing the moon and the stars
For a fate I both selected
And did not,
Wondering what you’re doing
Whether you too are thinking of me
And if your heart too accelerates
At the thought of my lips
On your skin,
And all of a sudden I want nothing more
Than to feel the embers
Of a fire I know still burns within you
To watch them dance on my skin
Ignite and spark
Between us.
I want your love,
No, I need your love.
And I burn for just one more time…
Always just one last time,
I promise
Or do I?

Enjoy the Poetry and Writings of America Mara Manzano

~ And Poetry After Dark



America Mara Manzano

Poet. Lover. Friend. Traveler. Teacher. @americatravels IG