Painting “Adieu”

Immanuel R. Knight
1 min readJan 4, 2017
Rosenstillleben, signiert, datiert E. Hariel 1900, Public Domain

I saw your painting in my dream
(You’re quite the artist)
I would’ve never known
How well you could paint with your heart;
I saw the caption, floating my mind,
As I sat in nowhere thinking of you:
I’ve already found someone else :)


No matter the pain born I knew
That there needed to be a change
That for some better reason
I would have to let go,
And I did

“So long as you are happy…”
I said, reaching out to touch nothing,
My heart being squeezed on all sides
By that invisible clutch of loss
How silly I must have looked!
Awakening from that reverie
Where you stopped by to tell me how well life is
And I am painfully glad
That things couldn’t be going
Any better



Immanuel R. Knight

Don’t let the dark times get you down. Wandering ways with words.