She Has a Way

Gloria DiFulvio
1 min readJan 4, 2017

by Gloria DiFulvio

Photo courtesy of Visual Hunt

She has a way to make me smile. When my days are dark and long. When the words are slow to come. When my eyes are tired and my heart heavy, she places her hand on my forehead. I close my eyes and escape the weary day.

She has a way of lifting me up when I’ve fallen. When the weight of the world is too much to bear, she places her hand gently on my shoulder and steadies me. I am stronger with her by my side.

She has a way of making me see. When I have lost my way, unsure of how to find myself in the thick enveloping fog. She takes my hand and guides me. The comfort of her touch carries me home.



Gloria DiFulvio

Writer. Feminist. Public Health Advocate. Academic. Storyteller. @gdifulvio