Until we meet again

2 min readFeb 17, 2017
Sailing off into the sunset and what not

Hey everyone, I’m taking a break from Medium. I’ve enjoyed my time spent reading and writing on here. I’ve discovered lots of great writers and have benefited greatly from exploring what this platform has to offer. Last May, Anna and I partnered up to create Poetry After Dark (She stepped down back in October, but it would be remiss of me not to mention her, as she was instrumental in bringing PAD to life). I would like to express my gratitude to every single one of our readers and writers, past and present, for contributing their time and their words to PAD over the past few months, we wouldn’t have gotten anywhere without you. It was great to see the way the community embraced our little poetry corner.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to devote the necessary amount of time to the publication as of late. To be honest, I haven’t even carved out enough time for my own writing. I’ve also decided to go back to school and get my Master’s so it’s time for me to step away, at least for now. As such, we will be closed to new submissions.

For our readers and writers still craving poetry, I would recommend the following publications:

Poetry in Form Editor: Rachel B. Baxter

Poets Unlimited Editor: ottaross

Fresh Darlings Editor: K.E. Kimball
This one is of particular interest for any of you that want to improve your writing. The publication focuses on the workshop aspect of writing, and to my knowledge it is the only publication on Medium with this particular focus.

Thank you all and until we meet again,

