Winter is the time

G. Blake Harrison-Lane
1 min readJan 9, 2017
Paul Itkin —

Winter is the time
When the cold seeps in
Through the cracks that
Brought life in the spring;
When ash cakes those
Who stoke the fire.

In the spring, fire threatens
Life. In the winter, life is what
Fire brings. The flames lick at
The hearth which houses the
Soul of the world.

The heart is the drum that
Churns the river of the soul;
the gravity well of its flow.
Winter is the time when
Rivers freeze.

If heated with steady hands
The soul will never freeze.
If overheated, it may become
Enraged and attack, bringing
The heart down as a flood fells
Even the mightiest of oaks.

If left alone, the soul becomes
Brittle and cracks under the
Paw of the Mother fox carrying
Dinner to her pups. Hold close
The fire and never let it die.

