People say…

Poetry: An Orgasm of Heart and Mind
2 min readNov 10, 2018
Parallel lines don’t meet but just appear to meet

Sometimes when sitting in loneliness not under the sun or shade of a tree but inside the shrinking, stinking bedroom that doesn't even belong to me, the question occurs why values don’t last with me

The answer, as usual, neither lay in my knowledge nor in books but sometimes it does enter the periphery of my thoughtful world often devalued by its bookish surroundings

Value seems merely a point in a 3D vector space of Space, Time and Individual’s identity and unfortunately, I being a man without an identity can just roam together but never have it just like stupid parallel lines

People say identity is something that defines a person and I say to them I don’t want to be defined.

People say a character is something that is permanent and changes very less often and I say I would like to remain a clean slate or a characterless person

People say to pay the debts of society and I remind then I haven’t paid the debt of nature either

People say to behave nicely because it is right to do and I say it has been taught to them to do

People say they hate the black color, not black people but still wear black suit and shoes and have a non-black maid

People say they are a nice person and yet doesn’t forgive.

People say they love their country but neither understand love nor country

People praise other people and become sad and I don’t know why

People praise other people and become inspired and I don’t understand why they need to

People die for a story and I don’t question them this time not because I don’t want to but because dead don’t answer….

Note: Clap if you liked the poem so that we can keep publishing 😊



Poetry: An Orgasm of Heart and Mind

Barclays, Ashoka University, IIT(BHU) Varanasi- Proficiency in Anthropology,Political Science, Economics, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Science