Poem: “Erin, If You Hear This, Don is Trying to Get in Touch”

Benjamin Caro
Hope For a Darker Future
2 min readApr 1, 2017
Photo by Leroy Skalstad

Erin, If You Hear This, Don is Trying to Get in Touch

Erin I want you to know that
Don is tryin’ to get a hold of you
We all are I think, I think so

None of us seen you in three days now
behind the gas station where they throw out donuts or
the alley with the dogs where
we ain’t woken by cops you know
the place. And then

Angie thinks you might’ve gone off
with that dope dealer fuckhead
but you told me on Tuesday that wasn’t
part the plan, so

I’m just wondering where you sleeping.
Cause you know

you’re not too old yet, you’re not the rest ‘us, or
maybe you are cause what I heard is you
been through it too — Bob said
You swung the door out when you fled your house
so your daddy had to fix it for you.

And Derek you know the guy
who works at the store Derek says
you just went home, but he don’t know
why you left, you don’t want to be touched no more
and you’re never gonna go back just like
all us out here.

I’m just worried is all, so
if you get this, if you hear any of us, just know
Don is trying to get a hold of ya, Erin.

Just want to know where you’re at.



Benjamin Caro
Hope For a Darker Future

Writer/director working on bringing the short film “Cathedrals” to life. See what we’re doing to help the blind! www.bit.ly/cathedralsmovie