I Know the Stars: A Poem by Sara Teasdale

Brittany Benko
Poetry Explained
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2023


Sara Teasdale, an American poet, was known for her ability to capture the profound emotional connections between humans and the natural world. Her poem “I Know the Stars” is a brilliant example of her skill in crafting verses that evoke deep contemplation and reflection. In this article, we will delve into the beauty and significance of this poem, exploring its themes, imagery, and emotions it conveys.

The Poem

I know the stars by their names,
Aldebaran, Altair,
And I know the path they take
Up heaven’s broad blue stair.
I know the secrets of men
By the look of their eyes,
Their gray thoughts, their strange thoughts
Have made me sad and wise.
But your eyes are dark to me
Though they seem to call and call —
I cannot tell if you love me
Or do not love me at all.
I know many things,
But the years come and go,
I shall die not knowing
The thing I long to know.

A Celestial Ode

“I Know the Stars” is a concise yet profound poem exploring the connections between the human spirit and the vast, enigmatic cosmos. The poem is a testament to Teasdale’s ability to distil complex emotions and existential questions into simple verses. The poem begins with the declaration, “I know the stars,” a statement that immediately invites readers to contemplate the speaker’s relationship with the night sky.

Themes and Imagery

  1. Connection with nature: The poem celebrates the speaker’s connection with the stars, implying a deep appreciation for the natural world. It suggests that, through gazing at the stars, the speaker has found solace, inspiration, or perhaps a sense of belonging in the universe.
  2. Cosmic Scale: The vastness of the cosmos is a recurring theme in the poem. By declaring “I know the stars,” the speaker acknowledges their awareness of celestial bodies that are often beyond human comprehension.
  3. Emotions and Contemplation: The brevity of the poem allows for multiple interpretations. Readers may consider it a reflection on the power of contemplation and the ability of the night sky to evoke deep emotions and introspection. The poem’s simplicity leaves room for individual interpretation, allowing readers to connect with it on a personal level.
  4. Nature as a Source of Comfort: The poem hints at the idea that nature, represented by the stars, can provide solace and reassurance in the face of life’s uncertainties. The night sky, with its enduring presence, can serve as a symbol of constancy and stability in a world filled with change.


“I Know the Stars” by Sara Teasdale is a masterful example of how poetry can distil complex emotions and ideas into a few carefully chosen words. Teasdale invites readers to contemplate their place in the universe, the power of nature to inspire and console, and the profound connection between human consciousness and the cosmos.

This poem serves as a reminder of the enduring relevance of Teasdale’s work and her ability to capture the timeless aspects of the human experience. Through its themes and imagery, “I Know the Stars” continues to inspire readers to gaze at the night sky with wonder and to seek solace and meaning in the vastness of the universe.

Written by Brittany Benko

