Poetry Explained: Submission Guidelines

Your chance to become a poetry critic!

John Welford
Poetry Explained


Welcome to Poetry Explained

Poetry Explained does exactly that. Poems — old and not-so-old — are presented and explained — because there is often much more to a poem than might appear at first sight.

These articles give details of the backgrounds of poems and poets, then analyse the poem in question, including information on format, rhyme (if any!), rhythm, and anything that might help the reader either to understand the poem’s obscurities or to gain a fresh insight.

By doing this, it is hoped that readers will be encouraged to explore a poet’s work and find a new source of reading pleasure.

Submission Guidelines

Please follow Medium guidelines for formatting posts and crediting images.

Please supply a title along the lines of “Daffodils: A Poem by William Wordsworth”, and a short subtitle. Also include an image, which can be a portrait of the poet, but need not be if this is your wish.

Always include “Poetry” and the full name of the poet as tags.

It is not always desirable to present the whole poem, especially if it is a long one. There should be no problems as regards…



John Welford
Poetry Explained

I am a retired librarian, living in a village in Leicestershire. I write fiction and poetry, plus articles on literature, history, and much more besides.