Black Hole

A poem

Tom Kane
Poetry Genius
2 min readApr 11, 2024


Black hole
Image by Author on Nightcafe

a singularity of boundless mass
inescapable gravity
my own infinite density

what am i?
this all-consuming abyss
this eternal place
this endless compression

i am the end of all things
the point of no return
the ultimate fate
of the universe

yet i ponder my own nature
this insatiable hunger
this unquenchable thirst
this eternal longing

what fuels my ravenous appetite?
what sustains my relentless need?
what drives this insane pull
of my dark, inescapable being?

am i the cruel gatekeeper
to the great unknown?
the final arbiter
of all that is and all that was?

or am i merely
a fleeting flicker
in the endless expanse
of all that is yet to be?

i crush stars
in my relentless grasp
i devour galaxies
in my cosmic maw

yet i am haunted
by this restless void
this hollow ache
this nameless abyss

what am i?
this black heart
of infinite space
this enigma of pure grace

Black holes collide
Image by Author on Nightcafe

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Tom Kane
Poetry Genius

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium