Chronicles of a Clockwork Lemon

A poem

Tom Kane
Poetry Genius
2 min readApr 14, 2024


Artists impression of clockwork lemons, fantasy
Image by Author on Nightcafe

i am a clockwork lemon,
a fanciful creation of gears and springs,
ticking and whirring with each roll and sway.

my sleek metallic skin gleams in the lamplight,
polished to a shine by the deft hands that brought me to life.
beneath my golden rind, an intricate dance of mechanisms,
pistons pumping, cogs turning, a symphony of industry.

in this world of clockwork citrus, i am no mere fruit.
oh no, i am an adventurer, an explorer!
my little wheels propel me through this ticking, whirring world,
navigating elaborate mazes, scaling towering tree branches.

sometimes i encounter my organic brethren,
plump juicy lemons, oranges, limes.
they eye me with curiosity, rolling past in a burst of vibrant colour.
i long to join them, to taste the sun-warmed flesh beneath my metal skin.

but alas, my place is here, among the clockwork.
tinkering, investigating, never resting.
for who knows what other wonders await,
just beyond the next coil, the next sprocket, the next turn of the gear?

i am alive with possibility, humming with purpose.
a clockwork lemon, a marvel of engineering and wonder.
my adventures have only just begun.

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Tom Kane
Poetry Genius

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium