I miss you

Daniel Garrison
Poetry Genius
Published in
1 min readJust now

I miss you

And I know we call every night

But a call isn’t the same as being in someone’s presence

And I miss your warm presence that could keep the morning chill at bay

And I miss that little smirk you have when you look at your friends

Had I the mind of Daedalus I would forge wings for you soar through the heavens

Though unlike Daedalus I wouldn’t let you fall to the same fate as his Icarus

For Icarus fell into the ocean, but you will fly through the heavens and soar as a bird

Had I the strength of Atlas, I would hold your world in safety

Although I would be solitary, I would be empowered by the memory of you

And I know I am but a friend to you

But I would hold the weight of the world on my back

If it meant you were happy

Or I would travel the world with you, so that you could company on your travels

But all in all, my mind and the heart of a poet and a visionary

Belong to you

And you alone

For I miss you



Daniel Garrison
Poetry Genius
Writer for

I’m an actor, from a broken family, that fell in love, both with the dramatics, and with a girl who doesn’t reciprocate. Please enjoy my thoughts and feelings