Invisible Man on Broadway

A poem

Tom Kane
Poetry Genius
2 min read6 days ago


man begging on a busy street
Image by Nightcafe

Firstly, listen to this excerpt of the poem on YouTube. This was recorded on the Beta version of a new test-to-video app.

Now here is the full poem:

He’s a living statue, bronze-still against
the rush hour tide, arm outstretched
like Lady Liberty’s torch-bearing limb.
His cardboard sign, a flag of surrender
fluttering in the wake of passing cabs.

The city flows around him, a river
of pressed suits and briefcases,
of lattes and smartphone screens.
He is the pebble they part for,
barely a ripple in their day.

His eyes, clouded windows to a past
where he was someone’s son, someone’s hope,
now reflect only the neon and steel
of a world that has no use for broken things.

At his feet, a paper cup,
a secular offertory plate
waiting for the clink of absolution
or at least enough for a meal
that isn’t seasoned with shame.

The light changes, crosswalks flood.
He remains, rooted to his spot,
a human parking meter
collecting the loose change
of hurried compassion.

brgging man holding a sign, and sitting in street
Image by Nightcafe



Tom Kane
Poetry Genius

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium