Submissions Guidelines

How to submit your poems for publication

Tom Kane
Poetry Genius
2 min readApr 10, 2024


Lady copywriter
Image by Author

Thank you for your interest in submitting your poetry to “Poetry Genius”! We are excited to read your work and consider it for publication.

First Steps

Email your Medium profile (it starts @…. and can be found in your profile settings) to with a request to be added as a writer for Poetry Genius.

After you have been added, you can then submit you draft article for publication. Your submission must be in draft form, and not have been published previously on Medium.

What We’re Looking For

At “Poetry Genius,” we welcome poetry submissions across all genres and styles, including (but not limited to):

Free verse

Prose poetry

Rhyming poems

Haiku and other traditional forms

Narrative poems

Ekphrastic poems (inspired by visual art)

Experimental/avant-garde pieces


We are particularly drawn to poems that demonstrate a mastery of language, evoke powerful emotions, and offer unique perspectives on the human experience. Whether your work explores themes of love, loss, nature, identity, or the complexity of the modern world, we want to hear your voice.

Submission Guidelines

To submit your poetry for consideration, please follow these guidelines:

Format: Poems should be submitted in a standard document format (e.g., .doc, .docx, .pdf)

Length: Individual poems should be no longer than 40 lines. There is no minimum length.

Metadata: Include the following information at the top of your submission:

Poem title(s)

Graphics — please cite the author (e.g. Unsplash). If the graphic is your own, please label as”Image by Author”

Relevant tags (e.g., #love, #nature, #sadness, #darkness, #humor, #miscellaneous, #discussion, competition). Please use at least one of these tags.

Simultaneous Submissions: We accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Previously Published Work: We consider previously published poems, but please indicate where the work has appeared.

Submission Method: Email your poem(s) to with the subject line “Poetry Submission”. Rules: Your submissions must abide by the terms and community guidelines of

Editing: Our editorial team may make minor changes to your poem for clarity, grammar, or formatting purposes. However, we will always maintain the integrity of your work.

Content Restrictions: We do not accept poems containing racist, defamatory, sexually explicit, or inflammatory content.

Evaluation and Publication

All submissions will be carefully reviewed by our editorial team. If your work is selected for publication, we will contact you within a few days.

Upon publication, your poem(s) will be featured in the corresponding section(s) of our “Poetry Genius” publication (e.g., Love, Sadness, Darkness). We will also promote your work across our social media channels to help amplify your voice.

We appreciate your time and creativity, and we look forward to reading your poetry! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Happy writing!

The “Poetry Genius” Editorial Team



Tom Kane
Poetry Genius

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium