Where to Write and Get Noticed: A Poet’s Guide to Visibility

Tips and Techniques for Getting Your Poetry Seen and Published

Tom Kane
Poetry Genius
3 min readJul 8, 2024


A group of famous poets posing for a photograph
Image by Nightcafe

Hello, fellow wordsmiths and poetry enthusiasts!As the curator of Poetry Genius, I’ve seen countless poets struggle with the same challenge: how to get their work noticed in a sea of verses. Today, I’m excited to share some insider tips on where to showcase your poetry, what types of poems tend to resonate most with readers, and strategies to increase your visibility in the poetry world.

Prime Platforms for Poets

Finding the right stage for your poetic voice can make all the difference. Here are some top-notch options to consider:

  • Literary Journals: The classics never go out of style. Submitting to respected journals like Poetry, The New Yorker, or Rattle can give your work serious credibility. Just be sure to study their submission guidelines meticulously.
  • Digital Platforms: Embrace the digital age with platforms like Medium (you’re here already!), Substack, or poetry-specific sites like Button Poetry. These spaces allow you to build a following and engage directly with your readers.
  • Poetry Competitions: Nothing beats the thrill of competition. Keep an eye out for contests hosted by organizations like the Poetry Society of America or the Academy of American Poets. Winning or even being shortlisted can significantly boost your profile.
  • Social Media Spaces: Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok have become unexpected havens for poets. Create a dedicated poetry account, use relevant hashtags like #PoetryLovers or #InstaPoem, and watch your audience grow.

Poetry Styles That Captivate Readers

While all forms of poetry have their merits, some tend to attract more readers in the current climate:

  • Micropoetry: In our fast-paced world, short, impactful poems often resonate deeply. Think haiku, tanka, or even Twitter-length verses.
  • Spoken Word: The performative aspect of spoken word poetry has gained immense popularity, especially among younger audiences. Consider recording your poems for platforms like YouTube or SoundCloud.
  • Visual Poetry: Combining words with imagery can create a powerful impact. Whether it’s blackout poetry, concrete poems, or verses overlaid on photographs, visual poetry often catches the eye on social media.
  • Narrative Poems: People love stories, and narrative poems satisfy both the poetic and storytelling itch. Consider crafting poetic tales that unfold over a series of posts or stanzas.

Strategies to Amplify Your Poetic Voice

Getting your poetry noticed requires more than just writing — it’s about strategic sharing and engagement:

  • Consistency is Key: Set a regular posting schedule, whether it’s daily micropoems or weekly longer pieces. Consistency helps build anticipation and a loyal following.
  • Engage with the Community: Poetry isn’t a solitary art in the digital age. Comment on other poets’ work, participate in poetry challenges, and join online writing groups. Building relationships can lead to collaborations and shared audiences.
  • Multimedia Approach: Don’t limit yourself to text. Record yourself reading your poems, create simple animations to accompany your words, or collaborate with visual artists to bring your poetry to life.
  • Local to Global: While online platforms are great, don’t neglect local opportunities. Attend open mic nights, join a local writing group, or offer to do readings at bookstores or cafes. Building a local fan base can create a ripple effect online.

Remember, dear poets, that getting noticed is a journey, not a destination. Each poem you share, each connection you make, is a step forward in your poetic career. Keep writing, keep sharing, and most importantly, keep believing in the power of your words.Your voice matters, and with persistence and strategy, it will be heard.Until next time, may your ink flow freely and your verses touch hearts.

Tom Kane
Curator, Poetry Genius

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Tom Kane
Poetry Genius

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium