sketch by Viji Suresh

You are missed 

So very gentle, the music plays,Silent tears slip on its wake…

Viji Suresh
Love… Honour… Betray
1 min readOct 2, 2013


Every time I let my thoughts roam, I wince, as it rakes your name. So very gentle, the music plays, Silent tears slip on its wake…

It’s hard not to remember, Your smile wide and bright, Those little crinkles below your eyes, Head slanted to your right.

The short walks we took, The short tunes we hummed, Your voice music to my ears, Passed quick as I feared.



Viji Suresh
Love… Honour… Betray

Belongs to this beguiling species, capable of loving 10 different people in 10 different ways, without the intensity taking a hit. #women