The World is on a rush!

Ever wondered how it feels like when you once get up, actually, from your world and feel what we all have been doing it all, was wrong! The world is in those hands who’s unclear where to lead, let’s see wherever it would lead us to? With the jets packed, let’s face it to my poem talking about this world’s rush, so, let’s get started!

Adityadhar Dwivedi
Poetry League
2 min readNov 24, 2018


The world is on a rush!

Towards money, towards powers and sush!

It is just to notice,

or just to remorse that world is been on an affair

to just meet its final dare!

What to say about this ‘system’?

It’s what like saying who’s the one,

who keeps pace with this race?

The world is on a rush!

Towards filth, towards greed and sush!

Filth is to say a courageous deed,

doing unfavour to someone indeed!

What’s the need to say about this ‘greed’?

It’s the thing which never get to an end-

so what’s left to say about this ‘pig’?

Well, it’s the thing leading this rush to a ‘bush’,

where all thing’s not clear enough to judge.

Just following this rush,

towards the filth, towards the worst and sush!

Poem written, edited and produced by Adityadhar Dwivedi.

Visit at his blog at Let Explore, Let grow. Have a good day!



Adityadhar Dwivedi
Poetry League

Space Blogger| Loves Great Ideas in Poetry| Have infectious Curiosity towards Cosmos| Exploring myself and world around me| Loves to write, shoot and convey.