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Walk by The Hostel

Have you walked near a hostel, and got scared? I haven’t, haha.

Agnes Laurens
Poetry Love
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2021


Photo by Nicate Lee on Unsplash

In a foreign country — I disable myself from speaking the county’s language,
when I walked, I saw calla lily near the best hostel — with a good sandwich,
I got a bit dire, the spooky stories that happened there, told with glaze,
I travel further, and I insure you my yellow jacket — I wear during a phase,
will not be, like you cloak, and be stolen by those who told those scary stories.

I participated in a challenge by Ravyne Hawke, on the 5th of October. You are allowed to use five of these ten words, or if you wanted to challenge yourself, use all ten: foreign, disable, calla lily, hostel, dire, glaze, travel, cloak, insure, and yellow.

You’re not allowed to use more than five lines.



Agnes Laurens
Poetry Love

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters. https://linktr.ee/alaurens