Naked Truth

A new and beautiful beginning

Åsmund Seip
2 min readJan 1, 2014

I let the new year undress me. Shirt, jeans, socks, underwear. It’s all going. Have you ever seen a naked body? Of course you have, but what I meant to say was this: Have you ever seen a naked body?

Have you ever appeared naked and thoughtless in front of a mirror? With no words, no labels, no dotted lines from a black marker? What we see is not always what we think we see. A miracle, a wonder, a piece of art? The universe and its atoms, an enchanting play, creating beauty beyond words. There you are, in front of the mirror. Here I am, naked as you.

I, too, have been a teenager. My chest and back all covered in spots, as if my face didn’t suffice. Shame, shame, shame, and years of who I should be or should become, with wrong clothes and nothing right and too small or too skewed or too something as long as it only isn’t as it is. Every now and then, I still find myself freshly showered and completely convinced I am completely wrong. I collect stories and make them into me. But what I mean to say is this: Have you ever seen a naked body?

Do answers exist? Honesty would be a good start. Being honest. What else is there, really, than different shades of honesty? I would like to be an honest man. As honest as I can. Show you who I am. Does truth exist? You would be a good start. Being you. What else is there, really, than different shades of you?

Incredibly, seductively, honesty grows out of our bodies. There is no creation or construction of honesty. It only asks for you to listen. A fine tuned instrument, a Stradivarius, a symphony. Can you make a strategy for who you really are? Or can you be silent? Be you? Silence and honesty are the best of friends. In them and through them, reality comes to light.

Silent, as the new year begins. Naked, and silent. What I see is what I see. What I sense is an expanding universe. Have you ever seen a naked body? Have you ever ripped your clothes off in a wild dance? Isn’t it time now, time to embrace every enchanting atom?

Let’s undress into this new year, beautiful you. This is how it all begins. Singing. Dancing. Me. And you.



Åsmund Seip

Love Everything (Coach, writer, human being. Oslo, Norway.) @asmunds