The Evening Supermarket

kaustuv ghosh
Poetry Palace
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2020
Thanks for a great photo! Photo by nrd on Unsplash

Here are treasures from fertile grounds, steamy fields,

Rain soaked slopes, sun-fed orchards, ruins of palaces.

Pungent smells suggest ripe, scrunchy, juicy and luscious.

Choose the words with care, the fruits will chuckle if you sound clever.

Red-cheeked mangoes sit side by side with dozing papaya,

Confident bananas hang over whiskered dragon-fruit.

Green guavas, fat and robust, plums you can squeeze for juice.

They are so fresh, you forget the shipping and climate control.

The girl at the checkout counter packs and swipes everything,

Her smile lighting up the dark circles and sunken cheeks

That mirror your face as both of you clock yourselves for life ahead.

