
A Failing Attempt

A poem on attempts and failure

Aaren Herron
Poetry Playground
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2024


Photo by MJH SHIKDER on Unsplash

I tried writing a set
My mind was blown
And I can’t figure it out yet

Should the words flow like wine
Or is it a verse
One I’ve sung for the first time

Where do I look
When my mind is blindfolded
By the thoughts you took

I know I should turn the other way
But a new path isn’t the same

I guess that’s the point
Challenge yourself to put down the joint

But then what’s the plan?
I’m not quite sure what to do with my hands

Maybe I’ll find a way
Living a life you’d see
On stage in a play

Sing about me
Will you?

Laugh about me
Will you?

I’ll fly away with glory
At least then I wont be lonely

I’ll keep on the sunny side
With the darkness
Resting in the back of my mind



Aaren Herron
Poetry Playground

Creative writer working to hone his craft, no longer at the expense of a mental state.