
A Mother’s Love

A poem



I, who never knew that I

could be loved by anyone
embrace all the darkness

that surrounded me
and longing to make sense

of everything
that was going on in my life.

Nothing prepared me for the tranquil confines of

my mother’s soothing hand

as I journey to the place

where my soul found

peace beyond compare.

Mother, in your selfless acts of offering comfort

in the form of tears

and a river of love that endlessly flows.

Your words and tender whispers

a beacon gave me strength

with profound wisdom and laughter you paint my world in majestic hues.

My mother’s love
became my sacred space
as we navigate our way through ever-changing life’s situation
of trials and triumphs.

A shining light you rise

each time to say

my child
here I am, here I stand.

Dearest mom,
though I am yet to comprehend
the depths of your love
I am forever grateful for all the reason you chose to love me.

So, on this day
I have the opportunity

to pause and proudly say
a million thanks, dear mother
in every way
for your love that knows no end
my mother,

my hero,

and forever friend.

This is a true story of how I wanted my independence, and to leave home. It also tells how my mother and I never see eye to eye. Yet in the end I journeyed back home, and without judgement we embraced each other.



Sumaya Ali [Veronica Thompson-Smith]
Poetry Playground

Nurse. Volunteer. Writer. Publish my works. Chocolate addict vernaann2@gmail.com Follow me@Twitter-valiqa_ali. Facebook@Sumaya Ali.Instagram.com/vernaannswine