Autumn’s Reign
The season ascends
Golden trees, golden breeze
Woolen jumper's itchy sleeves
Gaining fast on summer's lead
Barely here, now taken leave
Here again, our orange hues
Our copper sunrise insta muse
Autumn breathes its waking sigh
Casting soft gloom into the sky
Wear your crown old sycamore
This year, next, and evermore
Shed your heavy leaves, my friend
It's too late to trim and too late to tend
Nights draw quicker, colder too
As crimson fissures clash with blue
Fireplaces hum with quiet burn
While the icy menace waits it's turn
This is a response to Poetry Playgrounds prompt #34 “Write a poem in rhyming couplets”. A perfect chance to write about my favourite season. Thanks for reading.
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