Calling All Poets: When a Group of Poets Find a Loophole We Create

A call for poets to create a collaborative Loop poem

Janaka Stagnaro
Poetry Playground


Artwork by the author.

The Poem is now closed. Thank you

Following four successful collaborations, here is the fifth experiment. Don’t be shy - if you love to write poetry, please contribute, even if your name is not on the call list. It is a great way to connect with other poets and is a testimony of the creativity of group thinking. While this will appear random, I do not believe in randomness as being accidental. This poem will unfold as it is supposed to unfold by poets meant to come together.

While the other poems were free verse, we will spice it up this time by doing a Loop poem. A Loop poem uses the last word of the previous line and starts the next line with that ending word. No rhyming scheme. For example:

I took a pen and created a picture
picture me, now ink for eyes
eyes now have it
it is one that makes no sense

All are invited to participate.

How this will work is that to participate, you must set comments to MOST RECENT (just click the ^ by Most Relevant at the top of the comment section).

If you are the first to comment, you can choose any theme. Do not be influenced by the title



Janaka Stagnaro
Poetry Playground

Poetry, parables, articles — spiritual, life-lessons, Waldorf education, artwork. 11 books.