Poetry/Poetry Prompt

It Should Come As No Surprise

Everything changed

Denée King
Poetry Playground
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2024


Vintage portrait of a many and woman embracing each other
AI image created by author in Canva

Poetry Playground Writing Prompt #35 — this week’s prompt. Surprise!

It should come as no surprise
Everything changes
Save the sunrise and blue skies
Odes to great men and women so wise.

Poets and songwriters, one and the same
Speak of seasons
Ever turning, in endless refrains
Final farewells, stone epitaphs, engraved names.

It should come as no surprise
Young birds leave their nests
Old folks need rest, women hate their thighs
No more world records, no more first prize.

Was anything new? An unexpected beginning?
Would the days disappear
Without memory, quiet ending
The final curtain closing on life’s fine rendering?

Then you kissed me, held me close and to my surprise
Everything changed
Butterflies, hypnotized, the chorus reprise
So this, this is love… for the rest of our lives.



Denée King
Poetry Playground

Past the midway point of life and grateful to be here! Let me tell you a story. Aspiring Author, Happy Writer. Funny girl. Spiritual but not religious.