
Let Me Go

A Tanka

Jennifer Morrison
Poetry Playground
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2024


Stormseeker on Unsplash

“We look but don’t see
The dark that is around us
To suffocate us
So easy, we are deaf and blind
So easy, immune to the screams”

Come, walk with me here
Like once we did long ago
Remember the peace
Oh, my love, the calm so bright?
Now, all reduced to madness…

“You cannot save me
Darkness engulfs all of me
Where once I was free
Now the unrelenting pull
Of depression won’t let go.”

Writing for Poetry Playground and participating in Jonny Masters’ creative prompts really sculpts us as we explore the various forms which poetry can take.

This week we created our poetry in the form of the Tanka, and I’m honored to share Anthea Jones contribution here:



Jennifer Morrison
Poetry Playground

I am a whirlwind who changes daily, but I always have a pen in my hand!