Level One Gives Hours of Fun*

*aka torture

Anthea Jones
Poetry Playground
Published in
2 min readJul 7, 2024


Photo by author (please imagine sound effects of intense frustration)

With this old game
we’ll reclaim the
great fame of youth.

We’ll find the right
cable, might be
a tight squeeze now.

Japanese quotes,
tinny notes, and
the votes are in!

Play it all day
just to slay it
Hooray! Level…

… one.

We’ve just returned from a two week family holiday in Japan. And after a whole day scouring the shops, we decided a secondhand Nintendo Super Famicom console would be a fun souvenir for the whole family.

It didn’t even take long to set up, although sadly the Space Invaders cartridge doesn’t work. We bought five games though, so not a bad hit rate.

And it turns out, these super simple pixelated games are heaps of fun — the mission is clear, we don’t need to read Japanese to figure out what to do, they’re just not very forgiving — there is no margin for error here. No winning back lives. No second, third, fourth and fifth chances.



Anthea Jones
Poetry Playground

I write whimsical stories of colour, excitement, joy and revenge. And I'm kind of fascinated by words and language. And play, especially in teens and adults.