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We are Stardust…

João Nascimento
Poetry Playground
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2024


Image created with AI (Dall-E-3)

In the quiet of night, stars whisper tales above,
revealing births and deaths in the skies I love.
My young mind stirred under their timeless light,
grasping at relativity, embracing cosmic sight.

Books fueled my thirst, where science met verse,
their pages a human canvas for the universe.
Stars, long dead, their light in graceful delay,
bearing last whispers of a brilliant cosmic ballet.

A revelation struck, a Eureka bright and clear,
igniting a path of knowledge, ever so dear.
Composed of stardust, as Sagan once revealed,
our cosmic heritage in starlit fields was sealed.

This journey through wisdom’s expansive gate,
guided by Socrates, to ponder our fate,
acknowledging ignorance as the wiser part,
where true wisdom begins with an open heart.

To the north of Portugal, under less trodden skies,
where fewer lights obscure, my spirit flies.
Decades past, darkness unveiled the galaxy’s dance,
feeding my curiosity, in the stars, I found my trance.



João Nascimento
Poetry Playground

I write to illuminate the perils of blind faith and celebrate the triumphs of reason.