
Make Me a Sandwich

Of lies

Jackie Duden
Poetry Playground
Published in
Jun 11, 2024


Stacks of white bread, peanut butter, jelly, and strawberries sitting on a counter together
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

This week’s prompt is to write a poem about creating something. I thought of an interesting take on a sticky peanut butter sandwich.

Peanut butter promises
spread upon the blade

Jelly jelly gelatin lies
from jars of indecision

Strawberry secret zing
or raspberry ridicule jam

Hints of honey hugs
sweeten bitter stings

Big bites befuddle
a jaw full of BS

Peanut butter promises
pseudo raspberry jam

A perfect pair to put
between 2 stale slices

of bread

Check out another poem by Reece Beckett from the same prompt. I enjoyed the way it reads beautifully but has such deep meaning.

Find more fantastic poems at Poetry Playground.



Jackie Duden
Poetry Playground

Jackie is an almost licensed social worker (MSW in progress) and writer in the United States. She loves to read, spread awareness, advocate and connect people.