

Poetry on Medium

Julia A. Keirns
Poetry Playground
Published in
Apr 30, 2024


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I sit and I stare at the blank piece of paper
Or the blank computer screen
My mind wanders to thoughts of the past
Or whatever in front of me I see.
Trying to pull just one single thought
Out of the web of strings
Challenges me to concentrate
On just one of the myriad of things.
How many thoughts get lost in the transit
Numerous in the process of thought
Notebooks and pens all over the place
Recorders too many I’ve bought.
If not written down and finished just now
It is gone to the world of ink
If lost to the moment it shall return
And be better next time I think.

*Originally published at poetrysoup.com in 2020.



Julia A. Keirns
Poetry Playground

Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.