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Primordial Shift

Poetry Playground
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2024


In the silent calm;
Can you feel it in the air?
Feel it in your bones?
That gnawing trepidation.
Terror not from fear but truth.

Beyond the mind’s eye,
one could never comprehend;
what has always been;
the primordial; the old.
Something primal standing there.

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Inspiration for the Poem:

The below image titled “Primal Shift” inspired the Tanka poem above. I decided to revisit this image and write a Tanka poem for it.

Poetry Playground Writing Prompt #24: A prompt to create a Tanka poem. A Tanka Poem consists of 5 lines (5/7/5/7/7). For more writing prompts, check out Poetry Playground.

Primal Shift by Gemeyes



Poetry Playground

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