
So Much Depends on the Little Blue Pill

A poem on living with anxiety

Poetry Playground
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2024


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Will I keep my cool
Raise my voice just a bit
Or simply play with the scotch tape
Wrapped around my finger?

So much depends
on the little blue pill.

Will I bolt to the car
Unable to wait a second more
For my daughter to change her shoes
Then change them again?

So much depends
on the little blue pill.

Will I pass on an evening out
Unsure of the parking situation
and where to sit
and what to order?

So much depends
on the little blue pill.

You see, this little blue pill
This $3.84 a month pill
Is my ticket
To a life
Where I try all the things
I would otherwise be too terrified
Or too sad to try.



Poetry Playground

Minimalist mom- special education teacher - recovering perfectionist