Summer Froth

A Than-Bauk chain about natural distractions

Poetry Playground
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2024


Golden fireflies swarming over green grass against dark trees at dusk.
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Whispering trees
sigh. Their breeze lifts.
Relieved, we float

away from words.
Harshness blurs and
eyes pure soon see

firefly’s green blink.
Shocked, we think its
pulsed wink is false.

Candy stick’s green
glow is seen through
the screened in porch

where we drink and
dream. Our hands talk
of planned wishes,

lost in summer’s
long and perfect
treasured evenings.

🪳🦠 My idea for this poem came from seeing a firefly for the first time. Just one. It was so green and flashed in a regular rhythm. I was shocked that its glow came from a creature. It was the perfect summer magic to distract from life’s heavy topics.

This poem was inspired by Gemeyes who wrote a beautiful Than-Bauk poem in Poetry Playground.



Poetry Playground

I am taking a break from wandering, but I’m still in search of inspiration. Words are my paint and clay. Mom to pets and humans. 💕