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Harry Hogg

Poetry Playground
Poetry Playground
Have fun writing and reading poetry using weekly prompts including forms, themes and pictures.
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Poetry Playground | Poetry | Poets

To Dance is To Love

Don’t sit there; dance — by…

Poetry Playground | Poetry | Medium Poetry

The Poetic Epic

Newark Airport can make you…

Poetry Playground | Prose | Death |

Death Watches Over Us

We don’t know when, how, or…

Poetry Playground | Poetry | Medium Poetry |

The Stolen Hearts

Visions are never done…

Poetry Playground |Poetry | Medium Poetry | Poets

If I Were Weird

Would you still…

Poetry Playground | Poetry | Poets | Jonny Masters

It Was Never The Flight To Hell

Poetry Playground | Poetry | Poems | Jonny Masters

The Girl in a Sports Car

Poetry Playground

Where Footprints Should Fear To Tread

Before dawn, I take my walk…