
The After Party

A Poem … Words To Be Considered, Not Merely Read.

Poetry Playground
Published in
2 min readJul 1, 2024


Photo by Cam on Unsplash

Hello? Where is it that I am, and when?
Last I knew, I was there, and it was then.

You’re neither here nor there, nor anywhere.
You’re but an id in the ether now my friend.

The merest essence of who you once were.
Telepathy is your sole means to confer.
But the psychē, being non-physical,
Can only concur, demur, or defer.

Eons have passed without physicality.
Egos wage war inconsequentially.
Cerebral hostility has evolved,
Morphed into a pseudo-civility.

We are all here at life’s after-party.
We, equals all! With no hierarchy.
We, who ascend beyond the physical.
We dwell forevermore, in anarchy.

Don’t be in a hurry to get there.
If the in-between is the forevermore,
The here is looking pretty good.

© 2024 RidgeMagee

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