Poetry Playground Prompt 28

The Pages of Life in an Unfinished Book

Carefree has a new definition

Nancy Blackman
Poetry Playground
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2024


Created in Canva by Nancy Blackman

I remember a time way back,
When things were carefree,
Hopscotch was the game,
And scraped knees were part of life.

But now,

It’s nine to five,
Working to pay, pay, pay.
Running from place to place,
Trying to keep up.

But not then,

Not when my laughs
Were like a symphony,
Just like my dreams,
Singing their own song.

Life was tender and sweet,

A time when
My heart and soul soared,
Chasing sun and fun
Running free, laughing with the sun

But life changes all,

Years roll by
Life a river flowing downstream.
What once was carefree
Becomes an old hope in my heart.

Because the school of life had other plans,



Nancy Blackman
Poetry Playground

8X Top Writer. Editor. Writing Coach. Owner of Refresh the Soul publication. Read more of my writing: “Mixed Korean: Our Stories.” https://www.325kamra.org/buy.