
The two shades of grey

The fun but precarious yesteryears VS the stable life but rickety us — weighing both through Poetry Playground Prompt #28 — Ageing

Priyanka Sinha
Poetry Playground


That's me and my son on Chennai beach. Yesterday we celebrated his 20th birthday! (author's pic)

When I look back — going whirlwind around my little munchkin, never-ending chores yet so upbeat, energetic me!
But now, should I enjoy my relaxed cup of coffee or book an appointment with the orthopaedic?

Should I crib about my creaky joints?
Or show gratitude, as many leave even before getting to this point …

Should I fancy my kid’s carefree days when getting good grades wasn’t a must?
Or die worrying how he’ll survive in the big bad world, all on his own — as I age & he grows up!

Should I miss the submissive, people-pleaser, the pretty, slim gal?
Or applaud the kickass middle age role, who takes no shit & gives tit for tat!

Should I reminisce about the college bike rides, in vigour & youth rules made to defy…
Or flaunt the newly bought SUV with the sunroof, while slogging for the EMI?

On foreign soil, working for another country — minting money, should I celebrate life’s success?
Or yearn for my mother; the smell of home-cooked food & nostalgia of my native… I’ve failed, they cuss.

O ticking clock! — Should I call you the monster who killed my might?
Or thank you for the wisdom I earned over time?

Well, make hay while the sun shines;
I decide not to whine
Let’s keep all that in mind
& cross the bridge when we get there — one step at a time.

Thank you for reading. And thank you Jonny Masters and Poetry Playground for a delightful prompt like “ageing”, can never get enough of it! Ended up writing two poems. The other one submitted has a deeper, more abstract theme; this one’s lighter and pragmatic.

Here’s the link to this week’s prompts

There’s a beautiful poem by Reece Beckett on the same theme.

Read more incredible poetry with Poetry Playground:

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Priyanka Sinha
Poetry Playground

Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see