Poet of the Week | Poetry Playground

This is Me: Poet Bio

Get to Know T. Bass

T.A. Bass
Poetry Playground


Houston County Courthouse (Dothan, AL) from Flickr.

Where are you based?

Dothan is my home. It’s a place where everyone usually knows everyone. Either our parents went to school together, or we did. And if we didn’t go to school together, we went to the same church. In short, there’s no such thing as a stranger — unless, of course, you are (in which case I don’t know what to tell you, my boy). Send a Facebook Friend request, I guess.

Much like the people, the weather here is winter and summer — never anything in between. It’s pretty small. I’ll admit I’m looking to see new landscapes (or just landscapes, period), but the city is about as literal as one could get if we’re talking “down to Earth”. Some parts are modern while others (Downtown Dothan) pull you back in time.

Why do you write poetry?

Photo by Ravi Kant from Pexels.

Because I love beauty. People, places, feelings, things, ideas, memories, and wishes are all beautiful in some personal way. There are some who say beauty is subjective, but I believe it’s the unique power of poetry that makes whatever is beautiful objectively so. It’s a highlighter of passions, from heartbreaking to blissful.

I write poetry for the thrill. Sometimes, it’s sacred, those moments when the first words of my greatest piece ever written migrate from mind to pen, and from pen to paper. It’s the excitement of being able to read the words — written in my standard tongue — and be the only one who knows what they truly mean. It’s the mysteriousness behind the wordplay, the symbolism, the metaphors, and the allusions. It’s the rush of joy when watching the world attempt to decipher these hieroglyphs.

As someone who frequently writes in a diary and maintains a wellness journal (I hope you do the same), it’s also an open book about the deepest parts of myself. I’ve recently begun to adopt a lifestyle of vulnerability in hopes that those from similar walks might take comfort in knowing that they aren’t alone. God gave us all voices.

Maybe 100 years from now we’ll live in a world full of waking metal with nuts and bolted hands writing poetry instead of ones made of flesh and bone. I write it because it’s one of the most human things I can do. God forbid, but life could get to the point where we won’t be able to tell if the newest “roses are red” verse was crafted by AI or another naive teenage girl. I write it because now people will be able to tell. Now is the time.

What are your favorite poems?

Here is a short list of my ALL TIME FAVORITES (not necessarily in this order):

And many more!

Sensitive poetry is something that not only impacts the human heart and mind, but the soul. I’m convinced the best poems that have much to say are always the shortest. It’s not about the quantity, but the quality of your words when you’re writing verse. In the world of creative writing, we can be so obsessed with wanting to stack our papers and marvel at our portfolios, repertoires, issues, submissions, and editions that we tend to excise the soul from what we do. Writing isn’t about a word, number, or read count. That stuff comes on the back end after it’s been done. I think that was the thing that started to affect me to some degree, although I didn’t appreciate being revoked from the Partner Program (storytime soon).

How long have you been writing on Medium?

Photo by Min An on Pexels.

I came here in July 2024, and published my first piece on the 12th. I joined this platform to have a permanent online space for my official written work in real-time (mainly poetry), in addition to earning a little pocket change.

I’m fascinated by love and tragic poetry, and you can read a few of my pieces on my profile to identify the common themes in each of them. I love Christ and I’m big on using uncommon vocabulary. It adds to the mystery element that comes with being a poet. I’m proud to be a part of a young generation of sophisticated writers on Medium! The support is appreciated.

I don’t know how long I’ll be here, but hopefully I can stay long enough to add something unique to the various communities that already thrive under the Poetry topic. Exciting times!

Why did you join Medium?

To expound, I felt like a permanent home for my writing was important in my trajectory to establish myself as a serious artist. Of course, no one really needs a place to write, they just need space. Space can be found anywhere. The internet is the future and when your work has history with the internet, I believe there is less doubt of legitimacy (if that means anything). That, and I wanted to try it out and see what would stick!

Editor’s Pick

Jonny Masters has selected one of my poems to share. This one is about the opportunity to shape your life, or potentially keep it monotonous.

Read incredible poetry at Poetry Playground:

Poetry Playground



T.A. Bass
Poetry Playground

Here to write. Might read. 𓆟 Founder of The T.A. Bass Stack on Substack. Come sub!