
War No More

Bombs Open Wounds

Poetry Playground


Photo by Jordy Meow on Unsplash

A murderous dichotomy forms
in a shady ideology outside of reality,
within the hearts of men turned cold.
Evil knowing no good
conflates fighting for freedom
with engaging in deplorable immorality.
Destroying peace with chaos
isn’t benevolent.
Hurting women and children
because of a blockade, reduced
communities to a sandstorm
with homes now only in memories.
Peace for the innocent, you say.
What about the people massacred,
or the women’s defilement and emptiness
overflowing with apathy?
I asked before, but no one answered.
The people in Yemen need food.
The Syrian government gassed
its civilians to death.
Where are you?
No march for them?
People suffer in Iran with sham trials
and mass executions for protesting.
Where is your outrage at them?
Why is it only a specific group?
The public cries for a safe return
of those taken without their consent.
A war crime unfolds before our eyes.
But protesters demand we blindfold
the truth.
Days over days of bombing campaigns
killed ten thousand people, most of whom
are children and too young to know
the difference between a Bible and a Quran.
The bombs whistle when near and explode overhead.
The buildings crumble; bodies lie under the rubble
crushed and simmered, cooked to death before
their damp eyes, open but forever asleep.
But that’s just it; we’re blind to human dignity.
The invaluable nature of humanity cries for war no more.

War No More

(© 2024 AC)



Poetry Playground

U.S. Army Veteran. Paratrooper. Runner. Nonprofit. Education. I write short stories and poems.