
Where I’m Supposed To Be

Poem ~ Writing prompt #42

Poetry Playground
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2024


Photo by Author

Each day I wake to a soft purr
As Brigette stretches beside me
Beyond, the purrs of my beloved
I’m right where I’m supposed to be

We all wash away the night
To begin another day carefree
Coffee, cat games, and Scrabble
I am right where I’m supposed to be

Brigette in the window lays
My fingers poised o’er the keys
My beloved settles in at her easel
I am right where I’m supposed to be

We break at mid-mornings
For a hot chocolate chip cookie
A mob of wild turkeys meander by
I am right where I am supposed to be

By noon my mind is numb
So I turn on the TV to MSNBC
My beloved has her book to read
I’m right where I’m supposed to be

By two we’re out antiquing
Later we will stop at a grocery
Once home Brigette wants to play
I am right where I’m supposed to be

At five a wee dram of scotch
And a spot of news on the telly
My two ladies are warm and cozy
I am right where I’m supposed to be

Dinner and our shows till ten
Playtime so Brigette gets sleepy
Tomorrow we’ll do it all over again
I am right where I am supposed to be

© December 20, 2024 RidgeMagee
Primitive, Frank, and Relatable Rhymes
Depictions of Life’s Circumstance
In the Raw Artless Tenor of Our Times



Poetry Playground
Poetry Playground

Published in Poetry Playground

Have fun writing and reading poetry using poetry prompts including forms, themes and pictures.


Written by Ridge

My body long ago betrayed, but my mind hath staged a coup after I dared to engage and explore alternative points of view.

Responses (3)