Some shade to sleep

An adorable puppy and a micro poetry

Reema Sathe
Poetry & Prose
1 min readNov 26, 2013


“I have been up for long,

fetching attention of mother and people around,

my world is small, i look for only love and embrace.

I need to energize, to jump again and leap,

i have found some shade to sleep.”

I located this cute little puppy during my recent travel back home. At one of the bus stopovers, when the passengers and on goers were busy grabbing a bite, the puppy unruffled by its surroundings was enjoying a good afternoon sleep under the shade. The mother of the pup was sleeping at a distance with a constant eye on its child.

The scene perfectly depicted how young ones are. And that’s what my micro poetry describes in its sentiment. I still miss my afternoon sleeps, i guess they are the most refreshing ones! Do you love your afternoon sleep too? More importantly do you get to steal one, in a life full of Post its and never ending To-do lists?



Reema Sathe
Poetry & Prose

Founder- Happy Roots. Part-time writer @YourStoryCo. Helping small and tribal farmers develop high value alternate income sources. Blog @