A Miserable Lullaby

A Poem

S h a y
Poetry Publication
1 min readDec 14, 2023


Photo by Jan Haerer on Unsplash

The night above my head
The night within my heart
And the night of your absence
A solitary moon scatters its light, lonely
Drowsiness sews my eyelashes
And longing for you unravels it
Thread by thread
And entwines it
Did we not bet with love to endure as long as it does?
Where have we stayed, and when did we lose that bet?
I am certain that we are mistaken
And that words will come to our aid if spoken
And that letters will be read with love if written
And the souls will learn to smile
And return, even if after a while
I still narrate to the moon all my yearnings for you
And sing lullabies to the stars about you
I wonder when the night casts its spell for me to sleep
Does it run to you to hear you?
Does it seek out the lovers drifting apart
Fairly listening to two miserable hearts?

