Angels of Futurity

The Black angels bringing the eastern future

Dominic Onyeji
Poetry Publication
1 min readJan 28, 2024


Photo created by the author using Canva

Thy heart, oh man, is bigger than home.
God and many others dwell therein.
Many among the occupants are dreams.
They dwell in you to make you great.

In thy heart dwells the angels of futurity.
They live for good in the mind of every man.
Many things in man are produced by dreams.
Progress and honor are formed by the angels.

The Archangel brings forth the light to shine.
He came from the above as voice of dreams.
When the voice made the ways from within,
Every soul saw him renewing the hearts.

The Archangel of Africa makes the future bright.
He is an Afro-diamond in the sky, the morning star.
Africa has angels in the East shining the light.
They are the forces bringing the future from far.

When the Black defeated the White for dethronement in the heaven



Dominic Onyeji
Poetry Publication

I am a Nigerian contractor. Writing is my calling. I bear philosophic pen power, serving as an explicator, poet and songwriter.