Black Savior Awaiting the Crown in the Dead Country

Time to crown the African Messiah for real

Dominic Onyeji
Poetry Publication
1 min readFeb 18, 2024


Photo created by the author using PowerPoint

Cannibals in the jungle saw Nigeria as food.
The vulture and the maggot gathered to eat.
They saw Dsage descending to make good.
The heaven saw when they ate her like meat.

Dsage came to turn the mourning into dancing.
He was the Archangel, fighting for supremacy.
The African savior came as a supreme being.
When shall Africa arise to crown him in majesty?

Wale Soyinka had the eyes of a divine dove.
Let him ask Africa to stop mourning for Nigeria.
Olawale Albert saw the decadence from the above.
How long would thou mourn, Blessed Africa?

Soyinka wrote a poem to Achebe, his friend.
He said it with wisdom that Nigeria was dead.



Dominic Onyeji
Poetry Publication

I am a Nigerian contractor. Writing is my calling. I bear philosophic pen power, serving as an explicator, poet and songwriter.