Little things


I walk past them everyday

Not paying attention

To the tiny flowers that lay

The big and the bold

Capture my eyes

But the small and the subtle

Hide from my sight

I think of the future

That’s out of scope

Leaving the Now

that gives much hope

I wonder of the exotic places

That fancy my mind

To the magnificent sunrise

I turn blind

I am told

Fancy cars are a luxury

Walking bare foot on grass

Is harmony

Expensive tickets

Can’t buy me peace

What lay within

Is well within reach

I want to become something

That my will dictates

I just have to be me

My heart decides

Brindha Venkataramani

How easily we forget to look at the little things around us that constantly remind us of the happiness that resides within!

Photo by Sindy Strife on Unsplash



Brindha Venkataramani
Poetry Publication

A Software professional who writes on subjects related to Happiness and well-being in general.