Poem about spring

Lovely Poems
Poetry Publication
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2023


Photo by Joel Holland on Unsplash

In the cradle of winter’s icy embrace,
Lies the promise of spring, a tender grace,
A season reborn, with nature’s decree,
A wondrous tale, of life breaking free.

As frost retreats and days grow long,
A symphony of renewal begins its song,
Awakening Earth from her slumber deep,
Spring, the enchantress, her secrets to keep.

From the womb of soil, sprouts emerge,
Tiny green shoots, a hopeful surge,
Blossoms unfurl, a kaleidoscope of hue,
Nature rejoices, her palette renewed.

The cherry blossoms, in delicate bloom,
Grace the air with their sweet perfume,
Daffodils dance in the sun’s gentle rays,
As life rekindles in myriad ways.

The songbirds, they return from afar,
With melodies that twinkle like stars,
Their joyful tunes, a welcome sound,
A symphony of life, all around.

The rivers swell with a lively flow,
A vibrant pulse, a rejuvenated show,
Life teems in woods, meadows, and stream,
Spring whispers hope, like a cherished dream.

The sky wears blue, a brighter sheen,
As if kissed by magic, by a fairy queen,
Fluffy clouds, like ships afloat,
Sail through heavens, in gentle bloat.

Children laugh and chase the breeze,
Under blossomed trees, they find their ease,
With kites that dart and petals that fall,
Spring’s laughter echoes, captivating all.

In gardens, hands sow seeds of new,
An act of faith, a promise they strew,
For soon, the earth will respond in kind,
With lush gardens and fruits we’ll find.

Spring, a time for love’s sweet embrace,
A tender touch, a softening pace,
Hearts thaw and open anew,
In the season of hope, dreams come true.

So, let us celebrate this time so dear,
With gratitude for life’s annual premiere,
In spring’s warm embrace, let our spirits sing,
For it heralds the renewal that each year brings.

