Poem: Dollar Screen

Luc Wathieu
Poetry Publication
Published in
Mar 15, 2024

Take all the green dollar bills in the world,

Stitch them together to make a big screen.

And step back to watch the mad exchanges.

Stuff unwanted on the left passes through

The screen to the right and unwanted stuff

On the right, then crosses back to the left.

There is a little dance, a reshuffle,

And it goes on again, with a lot of

Armpit sweat, much thinking, and loud conflicts,

Human labor, and animals, and things.

In some places, the screen’s fabric weakens,

It becomes permeable and nearly

Everyone rushes there, and a small glob

Forms, and it grows, and it pops in the end.

If we keep our eyes and nose to the screen,

We can profit from the trade and exploit

All its ugly dysfunctions.



Luc Wathieu
Poetry Publication

Luc Wathieu is a behavioral economist, writer, and professor of marketing at Georgetown University