Teardrops: Echoes of the Soul

A Poem

Lovely Poems
Poetry Publication


Photo by Ed Leszczynskl on Unsplash

In the realm where emotions ebb and flow,
A tale of tears begins to show,
A language spoken in silent streams,
A symphony of sorrow, of hopes and dreams.

Tears, the droplets of the soul’s own sighs,
Reflecting joys, reflecting goodbyes,
Each teardrop a story, a whispered word,
Invisible, yet profoundly heard.

They glisten like diamonds, upon cheeks so pale,
A testament of strength, when courage may frail,
A river of emotion, winding its way,
Through the heart’s labyrinth, night and day.

In sorrow’s embrace, they freely fall,
An intimate dance, a heartfelt call,
To cleanse the wounds that life may bear,
To wash away burdens, to show we care.

But tears are not just a shroud of sorrow,
They celebrate happiness, a bright tomorrow,
Tears of laughter, of pure delight,
Glistening in the sun’s gentle light.

